Renault 8

Owner: Peter Hardy
Found at: Brunswick, Vic. Australia [11 Mar 2017]

The first goal has been reached
With this Renault I've now completed 50 cars from 1967... I thought it was going to take me most of the year but thanks to the generosity of all the car owners, car clubs and key-people who shared their insight into the historic movement today I reach the first goal of this project with 8 months in advance.
I contacted peter thanks to a fast response from Glen at the Renault Car of Victoria, apparently this is the only Renault from 1967 registered on their club and I was lucky enough to contact Peter the same day and arrange a photography session for today.
There are many interesting things that I found on this one: The spare wheel is stored under the front bumper, it has slide windows on the back seats and,to fill petrol you need to open the trunk and actually fill it on top of the engine!.
Peter also have a collection of vintage magazines and in one of them they featured the same model on the cover.
Even without being in it's best shape, I feel that this car speaks loud about the attention to design that is present in most cars of that era.
Dedicated to: Santiago Fuentes